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Does A Ventral Hernia Need To Be Repaired?

If you are diagnosed with a ventral hernia, at some point it will need to be repaired. It may not be urgent at the moment, but eventually certain circumstances will discourage any procrastination.

Why We Get Ventral Hernias

A ventral hernia develops when tissue from the intestines or abdomen pushes through a (weakened tissue) hole in the muscles of the abdomen. They occur at any location along the vertical center of the abdominal wall.

There are many possible causes of a ventral hernia.  They include the following:

  • Chronic coughing
  • Pregnancy
  • Being overweight
  • Straining during bowel movements
  • History of lifting heavy objects
  • Severe vomiting
  • Getting older
  • An injury to the bowel area

Anything that puts strain on the abdominal wall can lead to a ventral hernia. Many times a weakness develops at the site of a previous surgery, and sometimes it can be congenital, or from birth.

Should You Wait To Have Surgery And How Long?

Many adults with a ventral hernia have no symptoms at first. However, the hernia will continue to grow slowly where it can cause some severe complications. Untreated hernias can grow until they have progressed to the point where they are difficult to fix, and surgical repair causes significant problems.

A ventral hernia can swell to the point where it becomes trapped, or incarcerated. If this occurs and blood is cut off to an organ, it becomes a medical emergency.

Call Michigan Hernia Surgery to discuss your treatment options as soon as you experience symptoms of a ventral hernia.

Types Of Treatments For A Ventral Hernia

There are three types of surgical repair for a ventral hernia.

Open Surgery

Michigan Hernia Surgery makes an incision in the abdomen and the tissue is pushed back into its original position. Mesh is used to reinforce the repair and to reduce any recurrences. The incision is closed with stitches or glue.

Laparoscopic Repair

With this type of repair several tiny incisions are made away from the hernia, and a laparoscope with a camera at the end is inserted through one of the openings to guide the repair. Mesh may be used to strengthen the weakened wall. This is a less invasive type of surgery and it has a lower rate of infections.

Robotic Hernia Surgery

This is a newer type of hernia repair similar to laparoscopic repair, but here, Michigan Hernia Surgery sits at a console and handles the surgical instruments. This gives the surgeon 3 dimensional images, there is less pain, and leaves fewer scars afterward.

Request an Appointment

Contact Michigan Hernia Surgery if you are having any symptoms of a ventral hernia or have been diagnosed with one.


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